Welcome u
This site and all the sessions therein are all about u!

  Welcome u! This website, messages, sessions, and resources is all about u! How to help u get motivated, inspired, and stay that way 24/7, 365! Our goal is to make available to u 24 ufoundation messages in the form of books, podcast, videos and motivational youtube channel video, for u to put in your u library. This effort is about what u are willing to put into the discovery of who u are and who u were meant to be. We all struggle at times but today u put down the struggle, the negativity and take a positive step toward becoming the best u that you can be. I join u in this journey.  

Learn More u on youtube

This is about u!

u are a part of a really big u-niverse!

This website is about u and nobody but u. the reason the u is lower case is because as important u are, u are a part of a much bigger u-niverse. Along with taking charge of u by u, u need to remind yourself from time to time that the spark or u that u are make up a much bigger u-niverse. Therefore as u develop, grow and discovery who u are, u stay humble and practice genuine love not only for u but for every u in the u-niverse. 

Atlanta, Georgia
1112 Mayland Circle
Atlanta, Georgia 30310
u sessions are all about u!
Discovering who u are is the best investment in u that u will ever make. u will be saying thank-u a lot when u find your true self! Bless u...
Learning to love u and u will automatically love others.
When u believe in u, u will start immediately serving both u and others. u will find that it is a privilege and an act of love to be good to u as u are good to others.

When u start caring about, u start caring about all that creations has given u to observe, see, know and appreciate about u. This naturally will lead to u giving more of u to others, especially those in need. Discovering u first is the secret to living a happy and productive life for u and others. Treating others the way u would like to be treated.  Through volunteering and service, u will grow closer to creation and become the u that you were born to become.  

share u with others
u stay Motivated and inspired!
the best way to discover u

The u videos on these button are for u to share with others. One is purely motivational and the other is motivational biographic. Please pass u on... u

share u with others. Denzel Washington Did. 50+Million Views on utube Motivational Biography

Good Things are Coming to u. Watch for them!

Almost time to mark calendar. Great events are coming for u!

ufoundation Lesson 1, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
3:00PM | ufoundation Headquarters, 1112 Mayland Circle, Atlanta, Georgia 30310