
From the Bible James 2: 5

Today we are discussing God's love for the poor as mentioned in James 2:5. As Christians, we should have a heart that cares for those who are in need, and today we will explore what the Bible says about it.

Bible Verse: "Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?" - James 2:5


  1. Who are the poor? We must first understand that being poor doesn't just mean lacking money. Poor can also mean lacking love, care, food, shelter, and other basic necessities of life. Jesus, in his ministry, spent a lot of time with the poor, the marginalized, and the outcasts. He preached love, forgiveness, and care for everyone, regardless of their status in society.

  2. Why does God care for the poor? God's love for the poor is evident in many verses of the Bible. He chose to bless and help the poor because they often have the faith and the humility to trust Him in their time of need. God wants us to care for the poor, and as we do so, we reflect His love and compassion for them.

  3. How can we show love to the poor? We can show love to the poor by giving them our time, money, and resources. We can volunteer in shelters and other places that care for the poor, and we can donate to organizations that support their needs. We can also pray for the poor and ask God to provide for them.

Conclusion: As Christians, we must remember that God's love for the poor is never-ending. James 2:5 tells us that God has chosen the poor to be rich in faith and inherit the kingdom of God. We should always remember to love and care for the poor and show them God's love through our actions. Let us pray for the poor and ask God to use us as instruments of His love to reach out to them.