Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Max who loved to play and have fun. But sometimes, Max felt stressed or worried, and he didn't know what to do. One day, Max met a wise old man named Josef sage who taught him about meditation. Josef sage explained that meditation is a way to calm the mind and find peace within us. Max was curious and asked, "But how do we meditate? What do we do?" Josef sage smiled and said, "It's simple. Just find a quiet place to sit and close your eyes. Focus on your breath and feel it going in and out of your body. Let your thoughts come and go, like clouds passing through the sky. Don't try to hold onto them or push them away. Just be still and breathe." Max tried it, and he found that it was hard at first. His mind kept wandering, and he felt restless. But Josef sage encouraged him to keep trying and not give up. Slowly, Max began to get the hang of it. He found that when he focused on his breath and let his thoughts go, he felt calmer and more peaceful. He realized that he didn't have to worry about everything all the time, and that sometimes it was okay to just be still and breathe. Josef sage also taught Max that meditation was a way to connect with the world around him. He said that when we meditate, we become more aware of our surroundings and more connected to other people and nature. Max thought about this and remembered how good it felt to be outside in nature or to spend time with his friends and family. He realized that meditation could help him feel more connected to the world and more at peace with himself. So Max continued to practice meditation, and he found that it helped him feel happier and more relaxed. He knew that he could always turn to meditation whenever he felt stressed or worried, and that it would help him find the peace he was looking for.