Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Victoria who loved playing in the pool on hot summer days. But one day, she looked at the water and wondered why it was so clear. She had never seen anything like it before! Victoria asked her mom why the water was clear, and her mom explained that it was because water is made up of tiny particles called molecules. And these particles are so small that they don't reflect light, which makes the water look clear. Victoria was amazed! She had never heard of such tiny particles before. She wanted to learn more about them, so she asked her mom to take her to the library to find some books on the subject. At the library, Victoria found a big book about the ocean and read all about the amazing creatures that lived there, like colorful fish and giant whales. She also learned about all the different types of water, from rivers and lakes to the deep blue sea. And the more Victoria read, the more she realized how important water was for all living things. It was the source of life for plants, animals, and people. It helped keep the planet cool and provided a home for many creatures. Victoria was so happy she had asked her mom about why the water was clear. She had learned so much and was even more grateful for all the wonderful things that water provided. From that day on, she made sure to always conserve water and take care of the planet. The end.