In a small Inupiat village nestled in the icy tundra of Alaska, there lived a young child named Qannik. Qannik was a curious and adventurous child, always exploring the vast wilderness that surrounded her village. She loved to play with the animals, climb the mountains, and explore the frozen rivers. Despite her young age, Qannik was wise beyond her years. She had a deep respect for the earth and all its creatures, and she lived her life in harmony with the natural world. Her parents and elders often marveled at her understanding of the world and her ability to communicate with the animals. One day, a wise traveler came to Qannik's village. He was a holy man, a prophet, who spoke of a kingdom in the heavens where the greatest among them would be honored and revered. Qannik was fascinated by his words and asked him many questions about this kingdom. The holy man listened to her questions and was impressed by her wisdom and understanding. He saw in her a purity of heart and spirit that he had never before encountered. And so he said to her, "Truly, I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Qannik was overjoyed to hear these words, and she took them to heart. She continued to live her life in harmony with the natural world, always seeking to learn from the animals and the earth. And in time, she became known throughout the land as the greatest among them, for she had embraced the wisdom of a child and had found her way into the kingdom of heaven.