Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Martha who loved to play and have fun with her friends. She was always happy and cheerful, but sometimes she would get upset or angry and feel negative emotions. One day, Martha met a wise old man named Josef Sage who taught her about overcoming negative emotions. Josef Sage told Martha that it was okay to feel upset or angry sometimes, but it was important not to let those negative emotions control her. He said, "Negative emotions are like dark clouds that can cover up the bright sun inside of us. But if we learn to control our emotions, we can let the sunshine through again." Martha was curious and asked, "But how can I control my emotions? They feel so big and overwhelming." Josef Sage smiled and said, "The secret is to breathe. Take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. Do it again and again and feel the calm inside you grow." Martha tried it, and she felt a sense of calm and relaxation wash over her. She felt her muscles relax, and her mind grew still. She realized that she could control her emotions by taking deep breaths and focusing on the present moment. Josef Sage also taught Martha that it was important to be kind and compassionate to herself and others. He said that when we are kind to ourselves, we are better able to handle negative emotions and be more understanding of others. Martha thought about this and remembered how good it felt when she helped a friend or when someone was kind to her. She realized that being kind and compassionate could help her overcome negative emotions and make her feel better. So Martha began to practice taking deep breaths and being kind to herself and others whenever she felt upset or angry. She found that she was better able to handle negative emotions and that she felt happier and more at peace. From that day on, Martha knew that she could overcome negative emotions by taking deep breaths, being kind to herself and others, and letting the bright sun inside of her shine through again.